Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

1225 Pere Marquette Snow Project

As you probably already know the 1225 Pere Marquette didn’t run the North Pole Express excursions this past year due to repairs that needed to be made to the engine. This was sad news for a lot of people who look forward to the nostalgia every year. Myself I was looking forward to getting some snow photos with the famous engine. Its always hit or miss in Michigan weather snow will cooperate or not. Two years ago we didn’t have snow, but it still made for beautiful photos. This past year we had snow, but no train, or at least not the right train for the shot.

I had this idea. Good/bad or otherwise, it was an idea nevertheless. During our recent snowfall I made the trip back to Carland to take the same image I took two seasons ago, at precisely the same angle and then Photoshop the train in place, just to see what I’m missing, if in fact I’m missing anything at all. This is how it turned out….

Before and after photo-shopping the 1225 in a winter scene.

Most people lean towards liking the original photo a little better, and I do as well, but there is something very magical about seeing the Polar Express in the snow. After doing this you can almost bet, that if the train is running next season, and there is snow, I will be along the rails looking thru the lens for that magical moment in time. Thanks for reading.

*Prints are available on this site.
I can make the winter scene available as well if you prefer.

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

What? An Orange Colored Snowy Owl?

No, it’s not AI

As you’ve probably heard or even saw on social media that they’re has been a Snowy Owl reported and photographed in the thumb area of lower Michigan that has some very unusual and unnatural markings. I had the great pleasure and honor of seeing this beautiful bird myself. Snowy Owls are usually all white with black spots, or no spots at all (Males). This particular owl is white with black spots with an orange top. That’s right the top of the wings, back and head are bright, hunter’s orange. Click on the image to the left for close up.

What do you think would cause such an anomaly? This question has been asked to and from many experts in the field including the head of Project SNOWstorm, Scott Weidensaul. There has been a lot of speculation - anything from mutation to cross-breading, careless airport markings, to beet juice, airport deicer to eating too much salmon or too many flamingos, to what makes the most sense to me, fire-retardant from the Canada wildfires. There is still no confirmation of how, what, why or when and probably won’t be unless she’s safely and professionally trapped, or better yet we get lucky enough to find one of those gorgeous orange feathers for testing. With all that said, the most important thing of all, is that she looks and seems very healthy regardless of the how, what, when or the why? Her location will not be published here in fear that everyone will want to go see for themself.

“Rusty” the Snowy Owl

So happy to have a canvas print of the orange colored Snowy Owl named “Rusty” for my studio. What an anomaly.

My thoughts: Feather detail shows evidence of matting of the feather barbs. Whatever substance it is (fire retardant?) has caused the barbs to stick/mat together, making them 3 to 4 and in some areas up to 10x thicker than a normal feather barb. It didn’t appear to effect her flying, although I suspect it is heavier on her, which may cause for shorter flights. It may also cause wind-noise in flight. Owl feathers in general are frayed/softened at the tips creating little to absolute no noise while in flight, making it easier to sneak up on prey. By the owls appearance, it seems healthy and is eating well.

Update: I saw recent photos (2/23/25) of “Rusty” by a photographer friend of mine, Lori Waltz Dullinger (no relation), which show the orange starting to wash or wear off. Brighter days ahead for this beautiful owl. Lori’s beautiful photos are below (used with permission).

Comparison of color loss over the past two weeks.

Snowy Owls - Visitors From
The Arctic - A Rite of Passage

When the winters in the Arctic get rough, and the Lemmings, their main source of food become scarce, the younger, less experienced Snowy Owls move south for better climate and an ample selection of food. This Rite of Passage is sometimes known as the Great Snowy Owl Irruption. Michigan’s Upper and Lower Peninsulas have known hot-spots that I call “playgrounds,” where the young hone their hunting skills before returning to their home in the Arctic. These beautiful creatures are both mystical and mesmerizing to watch. I sincerely hope that you enjoy second-hand, what I have had the great privilege to enjoy somewhat up-close and personal.

Snowy Owls: Visitors from the Arctic Specifications

  • Approx. 41 pages

  • Over 50 Full Color Photographs

  • Adult/Children's Picture Book

  • Publisher: Independent

  • Written by Dan Waltz

  • Illustrated by Dan Waltz

  • Full Color Paperback: $15.00

Click here to purchase the book $15.00

*The Orange Snowy Owl is not in this book.

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

Rockhound / Rock Collector Continued…Page 2

Behind the glass…

Thank you for visiting. This page you will see what’s behind the glass. I have two showcases in my studio. Here is the smallest of the two. Inside the showcases are the what I consider the breakables. Or, things I really don’t want touched or handled.


A large chunk of Tricite (3 colors in on Calsite)

Rock Collection Starter Kit

Kids of all ages love rocks and crystals. Get them started learning, and collecting their favorite rocks with this beautiful starter kit. 14 gorgeous crystals in a small gift box. (How-lite, Tiger Eye, Labradorite, Quartz, Unakite, and even an all time favorite Yooperlite to name just a few. Your loved ones are sure to treasure these beautiful gems. (No two kits alike. Maybe different than whats pictured.) Sale! Now only $15.00 Click here

Two original 1975 Pet Rocks by Gary Dahl (50 year anniversary this June!). The small one in the middle is a 2023 model.

“Rock on!”

Well, that’s that. I hope you enjoyed the collection. I hope more that it inspired you to take a look around. Rocks aren’t just grey hard things we walk on, or pick up and throw. There is a whole another world out there for you to enjoy. Stop, look , and pick up a rock. Get it wet and really look at it. The water will bring out the colors. Does it have a name, learn it, How did it get there. How old is it? How and why did it come to be? Rock on!

More Rocks and Crystals posting soon!

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

“Rock My World!”

Happy Holidays!

Decorations are up. "HO HO HO HOWLITE."

If you know me, then you know I love everything nature. I do wildlife photography and I’ve been a wildlife artist for as long as I can remember. I’ve written a few nature books and I get out in nature as much as I can. Recently or should I say, about three years ago an old childhood interest reappeared, and I’m back in love with collecting rocks. I just can’t get enough of their beauty and the history behind them. I have rocks of all kinds from all places lining my studio walls, floors, shelves and even the stairs.; all tastefully done of course, or at least I think so, my wife may have her own opinion. My neighbor thinks my studio is one for a Geologist. A subject I dabble in on my own. My space is slowly evolving into a space where I can create, paint, and write surrounded in nature on the inside. As the sign says that hangs in my studio. “Nature is my therapy” and it truly is.

I thought it would be fun to start sharing my rock collection here. I won’t bore you with all of them of course, but let’s start with a few of my favorites. I might add, that I found each and every one of these rocks, I found some on Ebay, a few on Etsy, and even more on Facebook Marketplace. I found a lot at rocks & mineral shows, and Rock Shops, and I’ve traveled great distance for that very special stone I just had to have. I’ve even found a few in garage and estate sales, and yes even in lakes and woods. Some were even given to me as gifts. Please enjoy…

“Don’t take it for “Granite”

when it could be a big pile of “Schist”,

but I think it’s really “Gneiss”.”

It all started when I told my wife I wanted a boulder for the front yard, so I found one I wanted and had it delivered via Semi and placed in our yard with a very large front loader.

2022 Chevy Silverado

The rock was beautiful, but it needed some friends. The truck is for size. The truck weighs approx 5,000lbs the rock’s weight, 7700lbs.

igneous • metamorphic • sedimentary • fossils • minerals

Below you will see my a few of my favorites. I can’t show them all. I literally have 1000’s in all shapes and sizes and weigh in anywhere for a few ounces to a couple tons. A few things I like to do once I add the rock to my collection. I look up its history, its name, its region, its age, and how it came to be. I find all those things fascinating, and I love their natural beauty. Most of what you see are raw specimens with very few are polished and shaped. I prefer the raw beauty, but love the polished look as well, but keep in mind when you polish them you take away some of there natural shape which takes away from their history. I like the natural tumbled look of Lake Huron, or the traveled look of glacier til.

(Photo to the Left: Dallasite Jasper Breccia Freeform with Sphere
((Vancouver Island) Artist - Unknown)

Rock Collection Starter Kit

Kids of all ages love rocks and crystals. Get them started learning, and collecting their favorite rocks with this beautiful starter kit. 14 gorgeous crystals in a small gift box. (How-lite, Tiger Eye, Labradorite, Quartz, Unakite, and even an all time favorite Yooperlite to name just a few. Your loved ones are sure to treasure these beautiful gems. Sale! Now only $15.00 Click here

Dallasite Jasper Breccia

One of my favorite pieces, found only on the shores of Vancouver Island. This is a finished free form piece weighing around 13lbs.
From the Raven Rock Gallery (Vancouver Island)

Dallasite stones are named after Dallas Road in Victoria, British Columbia and is only found in the Triassic volcanics of Vancouver Island. This pillow basalt was later brecciated and replaced by Epidote. The stone is incredibly rare and unique, and is the unofficial stone of Vancouver Island.

Gowganda Tillite Sculpture

(freeform) by Roger King (2019).

The Gowganda tillite is found primarily in the Great Lakes States is a sedimentary rock that is approximately 2.2 to 2.45 billion years old. Between 20-90 thousand years ago the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS) broke apart the Gowganda Formation near the north shores of the now Lake Huron. While gouging the Great Lakes to existence the LIS helped spread this beautiful rock throughout the Great Lake Region.

GT: Rounded boulders and pebbles of pink granite. Can contain other rocks, in a Fine-grained grey mud matrix (Matrix can be Red, Green (blue), Brown and Black). 

Michigan Puddingstone

(freeform) by Roger King (2024).

Puddingstones are also known as jasper conglomerates. Pudding-stones are a type of metamorphic rock that are found in Michigan and are highly sought after for their striking appearance and beautiful contrasting colors. Formed billions of years ago in the channels in Ontario, Canada. They too where brought down by the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS) over 20 million years ago and deposited throughout Michigan’ lakes, streams and farmland.

Chunks or Red/Orange Jasper and Black Chert in a white white quartzite matrix make up the jest of the Michigan Pudding-stone.

Kingston Load

(freeform) by Roger King
(Unsigned - Unknown Date).

Copper, Feldspar, Epidote
and Quartz Sculpture

(freeform) by Roger King (2012).

Sculpture Rock

Stromatolite and Limestone (New Mexico)

Dan’s Rock Collection Continued…Page 2

“What’s behind the glass.”

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

Candis’ Flamingo Bling: Paparazzi Jewelry

Candis’ Flamingo Bling
Paparazzi Jewelry

My wife, Candis has joined the Paparazzi! We’ve converted two rooms in our house into full fledged jewelry stores with literally thousands upon thousands of pieces to chooses from. Join her Facebook Lives, weekdays at 8pm Mon-Thurs or call and stop by and browse. You won’t be disappointed. Remember, most everything is just $5.00. See you soon!

810 252-5019

Facebook “Lives” : https://www.facebook.com/candisdobbswaltz

Paparazzi Store: https://shop.paparazzipremiere.com/flamingobling

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

Rare Tubular Lanterns

Several months ago, a good neighbor moved away. He collected lanterns, but he was downsizing to an apartment and couldn’t take them with him. He gave a few to family and dropped what was left about 5 of them off in our garage. This was the beginning to a hobby I truly enjoy.

I’m kind of a history nerd. and lanterns have a lot of history behind them. I enjoy finding them, researching them and then I clean them up and give them a new home. I find it amazing that most are close to 100 years old and still, with a little work look fantastic and work like new. I can’t think of anything else that works so well 100 years later.

My favorite was the Little Wizards by Dietz, or the Little Giant. Pretty much the same lantern but with a larger tank. Then I found a Gem. A cheaper version of the Little Wizard made in the depression era, they soon became a favorite as well. Soon I had a few Monarchs, Reeds, Supremes and several Little Air Pilots made by Embury; a lantern I’ve grown to love, I now have 5.

These beautiful lanterns sit and/or hang throughout my studio amongst my rocks which we will get to in another blog post. Some lanterns I burn, others I just enjoy them just sitting there, and there are others that I’ve installed Kirkman light kits in with 1-3 watt bulbs. They work great as a nightlight and create an atmosphere like no other.

Please enjoy a few pictured below.

1936 Little Wizard

There is something mesmerizing about the original teal/green globes.

1927 Little Giant

Probably my favorite of the barn lanterns. I installed a Kirkman light kit in this one with a 3 watt flicker bulb, because I will probably never burn this one due to its age. Its a beautiful lantern with heavy patina and red Little Wizard globe.. Dietz started making the Little Giant in 1926.

Dietz Gem 1934

Early 1930’s Dietz Gem

One of three of my GEMs and one of my favorites! (Depression Era) A Little Wizard with green paint; a common color back in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s. Unfortunately the paint covers the date stamp, but GEMs where produced from 1931 - 1933. The lantern is made cheaper and more affordable with coke tin and no beading in the air tubes. I installed a Kirkman light kit and run a 3 watt flicker bulb. It current hangs and lights my bathroom.

1950’s Little Air Pilot by Embury

Great shape, built like a tank, and my go to daily burner to take the chill out of my office.


I also collect railroad lanterns, specifically The Pere Marquette lanterns, because the love I have for the train (engine 1225) and quite simply there are too many railroads to collect them all, so, I had to set limits. Click here to view my entire Pere Marquette Lantern Collection.

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

Dan’s Pere Marquette Lantern Collection

Pere Marquette Lantern Stamp

Let your Light Shine!

(Custom Leather wrapped Bale and paint on this well preserved 1913 Pere Marquette Reliable with an “O” Scale MTH #914 Pere Marquette Caboose)

Pere Marquette Lantern Collection

Pere Marquette Lanterns

I love the history, and who doesn’t love the Pere Marquette 1225 in the Polar Express? The Flint & Pere Marquette started in the late 1800’s While the PM RY started in 1900. Their trains ran the rails across Michigan, Canada, Illinois, and New York. The Lanterns pictured here all have one thing in common. They all were used on the Pere Marquette Railway. I love the simplicity of design and the longevity of the railway lanterns. They served their purpose and manage to withstand the test of time. At over 100 years old, they look great restored as well as preserved and all work as they should. I would collect more roads, but decided early on that there are too many railroads and too many versions to collect, so I settled on collecting primarily the Pere Marquette. Below is probably one of the largest collections if not the largest collection of Pere Marquette railroad lanterns to date. Enjoy…

1897 “The Adams” X 2, PMRR & Pere Marquette Stamped

Two Adams and Westlake: (1) PMRR and (1) Pere Marquette Stamped lids. Older Bottom Twist-off Burners with Flat-Wire Frames and Pere Marquette Embossed Globes. 127 Years Old and both are still good as new. The one on the right with the dark patine was won in a Rail and Road Auction. (Pictured with #312 S scale and #A913 HO scale cabooses.)

1910 Dietz #39 Standard Bell Bottom

Squat model version, called the "X.L.C.R." with an extended tall globe—etched PM RR.

A Rail and Road Auction Win.

Pere Marquette stamped 1913 Reliable Lantern

Red Embossed Globe. Leather wrapped Bail and holes drilled in the top lid for heat to warm the hands. Pictured with a G Scale Pere Marquette Caboose #A471

Lid stamp on the 1909 Lantern below.

1909 “Adams”

It has seen better days. A lot of rust, a bent frame, no burner and a broken globe, but it still has a lot of character left. It had to be saved it… This is a great example of why I prefer preserve over restore. Click on image to view final display. I replaced the broken globe with an etched Pere Marquette globe and purchased a 1909 burner/fount to go with it.

(Another Adams 1909 in better shape is pictured below on the left 1908 on the right.)

Reclaimed by Nature

Nature will find away and prevail when things are abandoned.

1909 “Adams”

1909 and 19098“Adams” Nice clean Strikes on the Lids and Globes. Love the square logo design, and brass burners. Some pitting, but overall beautiful lanterns for the collection.

Three of my favorite restored pieces. Cleaned to as close to factory condition as possible. (2) 1913 Reliables and (1) 1908 Adams (middle). They are beautiful to display and hard to believe well over 100 years old.

My favorite lanterns are the ones that tell a story and these two do exactly that. I cleaned them up, but I didn't wash away the story.  They are preserved rather than restored. (2) 1913 Reliables. The comfortable leather wrapped bails, to the holes drilled in the lid to warm their hands, the paint used to protect them from rust all tells a lot about the life on the rails in the early days. Lanterns were a very important tool back in the day, every slight modification had its purpose. Now, they are works of art, filled with stories and history.

1897 Adams: Burning some left over oil from New Years. I don’t like long burns with the embossed globes, so I replaced the embossed globe with a clear Kirkman for now. Just thought I’d share. Enjoy….

While the lanterns were great for giving off light and heat, the different colored glass globes gave off signals for the trains to operate at night. Each color has its own meaning. For example; White (clear) - Safe to proceed. Green - Proceed (white and green could be used together in certain circumstances). Yellow (Amber) - Proceed at reduced speed. Red - Stop or danger ahead, and Blue meant that men were working in the area. Pictured with a HO gauge or the Pere Marquette 1225 hauling freight.

Pictured above: Adam Westlake (AW, Adlake, Adams) Reliables (1912 double guard Reliable, many 1913 Reliables), 1897/1908/1909 Adams, Adlake 100, 200, 250(s), Kero(s), a Dietz #39 Standard (Bell bottom) and two Adams 1897, all with embossed/etched and/or stamped with PM(s), PMRY(s), PMRR(s) and/or Pere Marquette. All railroad, dead-flame lanterns have original burners & founts with either wire, leather wrapped, or wooden bails.

Other PM, PM RY or PM RR Memorabilia

Pictured here is a step ladder used on the Pere Marquette Railway along with a Smudge Torch (PM RY embossed on the bottom) used for melting ice and an Oil can (PM RY embossed on the bottom) used on the engines. The ladder (PM RY Stenciled on both sides) is extreme sturdy (compared to today’s models. Steps are higher and farther apart.), made of oak and supported by a wide center leather strap. I use it for display as pictured.

PM RY Galvanized Oily Rag Waste Container

Repurposed and used as a waste basket in my home office. This item is fully functional with a little surface rust and some minor dents that could probably be bumped out, but I tend to like to leave things the way I find them, minus the dirt and grime of course. I’ll clean them up, but I like to leave the stories (the wonder) in them whenever possible; preserved rather than restored is my preferred choice and it usually ends up being one of my favorite finds.
Size: 24”T x 20” Diameter. Estimated date: Pre-1920 (There is no foot pedal to open lid hands free, and T hinges instead of the continuous piano hinge in later models.)

My entire collection of Pere Marquette Railway lanterns to date (13qty 8/23/24). More have been added since and are add to the carousel above. (Update 22qty as of 12/5/24).

PMRY, 1923 Adlake 250 with etched red globe. Displayed with O Scale Pere Marquette Caboose A986

The Adams Family with their cousin Dietz.: Added hooks to the cabinet doors to display the “double guards” together. From left to rIght: Adams 1897, Adams 1897, Dietz #39 Standard 1910, Adams 1909, and a Adams 1908

A Family Portrait

It’s getting harder and harder getting up and down the stairs in my old age. I used to be more agile. (My collections of Pere Marquette Lanterns 1/19/25)

A photo I took of the Pere Marquette 1225 (December 2023). It hangs proudly in our living room. It took First Place in the Best or Steam photo competition (Huckleberry Railroad & Crossroads Village 2024). Two 1913 Adlake Realible Lanterns with embossed globes bracket the photo.  The Polar Express train displays on the shelf below.  More info here.

The sign is almost not legible on the old Pere Marquette viaduct in Grand Blanc, MI

Plaques on both the North and South Side of the Bridge

Not Pere Marquettes, but MCRR instead (Assuming Michigan Central since they were found in Michigan, but Main Central or Mountain Central are possible.) I collect PM’s so these are extras. I could be talked into selling at the right price as I could use the space for more PM’s, or more rocks LOL. Black (Reliable 1913) on the left is in not so good of shape. I bought it for the PM globe it had in it at the time. The Fount is rusted in place and almost gone, the embossed globe has scratches, but no cracks, and the burner is not usable, but the lantern still looks nice for display only. The Silver on the right is an extreme opposite–a very nice lantern, a rare 1912 Reliable (double guard) with embossed globe. Frame and globe, both in Mint condition (a very clean & beautiful Lantern!). The Caboose (Kalamazoo) G Scale is great for display with either/or or both lanterns, or on its own. Make offer if interested (email: dan.waltz.dw@gmail.com).

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

The Pere Marquette 1225 - Polar Express

My HO Model of the North Pole Express: 1225 Engine, PM Tender, Ann Arbor Caboose, C&O Caboose, (2) PM Passenger Cars, PM Box Car, and the A909 PM Caboose.

SQ1225DW - First Place in the “2024 Best of Steam Photo Competition (Huckleberry Railroad & Crossroads Village)."  The 1225 was built in Lima Ohio in October, 1941 and still runs today every December as the Polar Express from Owosso, Michigan to Ashley Michigan. The 1225 got it's fame when featured in the Movie staring Tom Hanks "The Polar Express" based on the children's picture book by Chris Van Allsburg written in 1985 by the same name.

Who doesn’t love the story The Polar Express? The book and especially the movie adaptation, featuring Tom Hanks was incredible. Every year the Polar Express runs from Owosso to Ashley, Michigan. Every year I say I would love to meet up and photograph it. Well this was the year. The weather was cold and rainy and I almost didn’t go, but something told me to get back in the truck and go anyway. You get very few chances to see the most famous train in the world and there was only a couple weekends left.

I was in Carland the day before and took some shots at the Carland Elevator, but I didn’t care for the results. The steam wasn’t right and was blowing in the wrong direction, so I returned the next day hoping for a second chance. It was cold and dreary that morning. I loaded up the truck and sat inside letting the engine warm up a bit. It started to rain. I got out of the truck and went inside the house. I wasn’t going. It wasn’t 5 minutes later and I was back in the truck backing out of the driveway. It’s a 45 minute drive, maybe, just maybe it isn’t raining there I thought. I was off…

It was still raining when I got there, not hard, but just enough to make it cold and miserable. I stood in my spot and patiently waited. You could hear the whistle blow for miles before it finally arrived. I’m so glad I went. The steam that gloomy Sunday morning was as magical as the train itself. It couldn’t have been more perfect.

I got the shot I wanted, but it wasn’t enough, the chase was on….

I chased that train all the way to Ashley stopping at every crossing I could, just to get another shot.

~ A magical day with a story that I love.

SQ5366DW - Second Place in the “2024 Best of Steam Photo Competition (Huckleberry Railroad & Crossroads Village).”






Sofa size canvas print (30” x 40”) going where else? Above the sofa….

If you see something you like, prints and canvas prints are available for purchase! Click here!
(If you would like one of the other images shown please email (dan.waltz.dw@gmail.com). I can make it happen for the same price.) Thank you!

A 30" x 40" canvas displayed in our living room with two Pere Marquette lanterns, and a Lionel "O" gauge Polar Express train(AKA Pere Marquette 1225)

HO Scale Pere Marquette
Model Train

HO Scale Pere Marquette Train in my studio pictured with a series of
Pere Marquette Signal Lanterns.

The sign is almost not legible on the old Pere Marquette viaduct in Grand Blanc, MI

Plaques on both the North and South Side of the Bridge

My HO Model of the North Pole Express: 1225 Engine, PM Tender, PM Hopper, (2) PM Passenger Cars, (2) PM Box Car, and the A909 PM Caboose.

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Dan Waltz Dan Waltz

Sax-Zim Bog:

Sax-Zim Bog (SZB) has grown to be one of my favorite places to go to photograph nature.

Sax-Zim Bog (SZB) has grown to be one of my favorite places to go to photograph nature, and it’s really not a place at all. Yes, it has a Welcome Center, which is open during the winter months and a couple months in the summer, but the bog itself is more of an area on a map than it is a place. If you are familiar at all with Fish Point in Michigan’s thumb area, it has its similarities., yet, it’s entirely different.  Similar in ways that county and public roads border as well as cut through the area, so there is no main entrance to pass through, nor are there any fees to pay. (Although donations are always welcome at the center, and needed.) Anyone can drive through at any time, day or night. If you don’t know the area, you won’t even know you are actually there (a map will come in handy more times than not), but that’s where the similarities end and a different eco system begins.

Great Gray Owl, early morning -34 degrees.

SZB is 300sq. miles of Tamarack and Birch trees, and is full of snags. It closely resembles Canada’s Boreal Forest. In the winter months the bog is known for its population of Boreal birds that migrate down for milder weather and better food source. The Northern Hawk Owl and Boreal Owl, the Boreal Chickadee, Evening Grosbeaks, Magpie and Canada Jay are just a few that can be seen there. The elusive and well sought after, Great Gray Owl is always the prize winner and a delight to see if you are lucky enough to find one.  Birders and Photographers from all over the world go there for their chance to see and photograph this magnificent bird. 

Great Gray Owl on a gnarly tree.

If you are a “Birder”, you have at least heard of “Sax-Zim Bog”. If you are a serious birder, you’ve probably already been, or it’s on your Bucket List. I urge you not to hesitate to go, it’s a trip you’ll never forget. I’ve been three times now. Once in November (2020) and twice in February (2020, 2022). November is cold, February is much colder. Both times in February the temps went down to -30 and -34 degrees. Keep that in mind in your travels. Don’t stay home, just bundle up.

Great Gray Owl on the prowl.

There are no guaranties that you will see an owl on your trip, but that’s what makes it fun and rewarding when you do find them. So far, I’ve been lucky. I’ve seen two or three Great Grays each trip and my most recent trip I was blessed with a remarkable show of watching one hunt for almost two hours. It’s a Twelve hour drive for me. A long drive with no guarantee, but, so far, its been worth the drive every time.

Great Gray after a successful dive. A vole for breakfast.

Until next year….. Hope to see you there.

More photos from these trips can be seen on his website at www.danwaltz.com/photography/owls (look for #SZB)

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